Kreft Byghan

Freedom to explore your own identity and ideas, and create ..

Come and enjoy the experience at Kreft Byghan’s fully equipped studio. The workshops are held in a relaxed environment, where you are given the freedom to explore your own creativity and ideas. It is wonderful to engage with people, so that I can share my knowledge with others, and they can enjoy the process of exploring their creative side and produce their own works of art.


Learn the Basics

Session One:
Create a piece of pottery using the slab, coil or pinch method.
Demonstration and tutorial given by Gary. This will then be bisque fired ready for glazing during the second session.

Session Two:
Decorate your piece with a variety of glazes including Raku, stoneware and oxides. In Raku workshops you will take part in the exciting firing process.

Master The Basics

Session One:
Create a thrown bowl

Session Two:
Refine your bowl by turning and trimming, then decorate with a variety of techniques including sgraffito, pattern making and burnishing.

Session Three:
Following the bisque firing, glaze your bowl with a choice of finishes.